
Archive for 2011


There’s so many things I love about the weekends. Like waking up after the sun for a change. I love the way it peeks through the blinds and gives you that gentle, “hello.” On days like this I actually have the time to go downstairs in my pj’s, concoct a delicious morning smoothie, sit at the breakfast table and give a proper welcome to the day. Nothing says good morning like a cool glass of blended goodness.

I don’t know about you, but pop a striped straw in almost anything and the yumminess goes through the roof!

Rise and Shine Smoothie

1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries
1 peach or a handful of frozen peach slices
1/2 ripe banana
2 heaping spoonfuls organic plain yogurt
2 cups organic soy milk (plain)
1 tbsp ground flax seed
1 tbsp organic honey

Combine the first six ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add the honey and blend one final time. Add a peach slice and a fun striped straw and sip, sip, sip away!

All of the quantities are estimated and can be adjusted to suit your taste. I’ve learned if you want a sweeter smoothie hold back a little on the yogurt and add more milk. Also, the fruits can be substituted for just about any other fruits: raspberries, strawberries, you name it. 

So play around with the quantities and don’t be afraid to have a little taste test mid-blend. You can always adjust the quantities to make it your perfect morning “hello”.

Posted 2/23/11, Topic: Eats

Back Door Guests Are Best

Psst… wanna hear a little secret? 
I haven’t been able to walk out of my back door for 3 years. No, I didn’t say 3 months… years people. It’s kind of a long story, but I can sum it up like this:
Roof replacement = broken gutter = waterfall on our door = water damage = caulking the door shut = no door for 3 years.

I know you are wondering, why in the world did we wait three years to replace the door? Well, it goes kind of like this… I can have a husband that helps me on all my projects, builds little kitchens, cooks dinner with me, and smothers me with love or I can have a back door. 
Ha, it’s not exactly like that, but needless to say, we get busy and just find other things we would rather do. Then, you kind of get used to not having a back door and voila… three years.

We finally got the motivation to order the new door (of course it was a funky size so we had to special order, nothing’s ever simple around my house). Mr. Blue Eyed Yonder also called in a little help for the project.

“Whatcha doing Uncle Chris?”
“What? Why are you laughing? I’m helping him.”
“Man, all this work is making me tired. I need a break.”

I have never been so excited in all my life to walk out of a back door. I feel so privileged.

Ahh… the simple things.

Posted 2/22/11, Topic: Home

Live the Language

EF – Live The Language – Paris from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.

I stumbled upon this little video last week. Coincidence? Maybe. I like to think it’s my inner frenchie saying, “Pardon Madame… it’s time.”

We purchased Rosetta Stone a little while back but haven’t started using it yet. I know, I know… shame, shame. Motivation’s a funny thing. Well, it’s actually not a motivation issue, more of a time management thing. We need to develop some kind of schedule, a way to make it part of our everyday routine. 

If you’ve ever learned a second language, I would love to know what tips you have to share. 

Posted 2/21/11, Topic: Blog

RAOK: My Sister’s House

Day 4. Fourth Act.
Do you ever take the luxuries of your morning routine for granted? You wake up and take a nice hot shower. Lather up with yummy smelling soap. Scrub your locks with bubbly shampoo. If you’re really feeling spiffy, you bust out the razor and shaving cream and tackle those legs.
Once you are out of the shower, you put on some good smelling deodorant and silky lotion. Just add a dab of toothpaste to your toothbrush and scrub, scrub away.
We are all probably guilty of taking these simple acts for granted. While most of us have piles of toiletries, beauty products and other little pretties, sadly, there are others that don’t. There are women that wake up each morning without a hot shower to look forward to, no bubbly shampoo or cozy bath robe. Some of these women do not even have a house or a bed of their own.
For the fourth act, I wanted to give the beautiful ladies at My Sister’s House something that would bring a smile to their face. Because every woman deserves to feel beautiful and simple everyday necessities aren’t things they should have to worry about.
Many of the brave women at My Sister’s House are battling fears that most of us wouldn’t dare think about. Many of these women have children. I know how much I always loved my “toothpaste that didn’t burn” and strawberry scented shampoos. I hope these kids know how much they are loved… by people that haven’t even met them.

It’s not too late, surprise someone with a Random Act of Kindness.

Posted 2/18/11, Topic: Blog

RAOK: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Poster via here

Day 3. Third Act.

I don’t know about you, but some mornings I just need a cup of coffee to get me going. It’s usually on the days I have to drag myself out of bed. The days I am already running late. Stopping for coffee of course makes me later, but trust me, the world will greet a much happier person if I’ve stopped for coffee.

So as I sat in line for my morning cup of happiness, I thought…
“How happy would this cup of coffee make me if it were free?”
I guess the gal behind me in line will have to answer that question. A surprise free trip at the Starbucks drive-thru? That’s sure to start her morning off with a smile. 
Coffee Cozy via here
I don’t know what kind of day she was having. I don’t know if her purse if full of money or full of bills and empty gum wrappers. I just know today she got a free cup of happiness and I’ve had a permanent smile on my face ever since.

Posted 2/17/11, Topic: Blog

oncewed-sq-badge-featured-vendor-20162nd Annual Pick With A Pro Retreat, www.campworkshops.com

Blue Eyed Yonder featured on Grey Likes Weddings

JuneBug Weddings

Utterly Engaged 2014

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