
Archive for 2010

White Christmas

Image via

So my marshmallow snow storm paid off… this year we were surprised by a beautiful white Christmas! It was the first time it has snowed in Atlanta on Christmas day since 1882. Wowie!

It was so magical sitting inside around the Christmas tree, sipping mimosas and watching the snow flakes fall. We were cozy in our pajamas enjoying some of Mr. Blue Eyed Yonder’s homemade cinnamon rolls. I was too busy singing Frosty the Snowman with my littlest sister to take pictures of his creations, but they were quite similar to these. Yum! Reason #118 why I married this man.

Posted 12/27/10, Topic: Blog

Bourbon Sugar Cookie Crunch Ice Cream

Forget the milk and cookies, this year leave Santa something he’s sure to remember.
While brainstorming dessert ideas for a company Christmas dinner, I stumbled upon this little treat: Bourbon Sugar Cookie Crunch Ice Cream. Umm, hello!

It’s actually a really simple recipe – no cooking, eggs, or any of that complicated ice cream stuff. Such a refreshing holiday treat when all of the parties are bombarded with cookies, cakes and pies. And if you are afraid of the bourbon, don’t be. There’s only a little and it actually serves a very smart purpose. When you add a dab of alcohol to ice cream, it actually prevents it from turning into a solid block of ice when stored in the freezer. So no worries about Grandma having a little too much and getting run over by a reindeer.

So go ahead, climb into your attic and bring that ice cream churn down. You {and your guests} will be happy you did!

Photos by: KHJ

 Bourbon Sugar Cookie Crunch Ice Cream
via Not Eating Out in New York

2 cups heavy cream
1 cup milk
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup Makers Mark
3 or 4 sugar cookies

If using an automatic ice cream maker, make sure bowl is completely frozen before starting. Also, milk and cream should be well-chilled. Whisk milk and cream with sugar until completely dissolved. Add vanilla and bourbon, and stir thoroughly. Pour mixture into ice cream maker. Churn for about 25 minutes or according to machine; crumble sugar cookies into the ice cream during the last minute. Serve immediately, or let “ripen” in freezer for two hours.

Posted 12/23/10, Topic: Eats

Winter Whimsy Reveal

A couple of weeks back I shared my inspirations for this year’s wintery white Christmas decor. I’m happy to say, one snowy tree and 300 hundred marshmallows later… our house is finally all flocked up for the holidays!
Add a dab of vintage…
a touch of handmade charm…
and you’ve got yourself a Blue Eyed Yonder Christmas!
Photos by: KHJ

{This post is dedicated to all the brave marshmallows that sacrificed their yumminess to be a part of this experience.}

Posted 12/21/10, Topic: Home

DIY: Painted Mirror

Nothing makes a house feel more like a home than filling it with handmade treasures. This year I tried to get creative with my Christmas decorations and steer away from my traditional decor. I have a large mirror that I place above the mantle from time to time. The mirror’s frame was dark brown, however I’ve been having the urge to escape the ‘dark ages’, so I painted it white.
You didn’t think I was gonna stop there did you?
I began sketching some ideas for a holiday message to paint on the mirror. Having fallen in love with France this year, I felt it was only natural to bring a little piece of it into my home this Christmas.

Acrylic Paint
Paint Brush
Creative Christmas Spirit

Clean the surface of your mirror to remove any dust or pesky finger prints. Lightly trace out your design using a thin brush and a small amount of paint. Once you are happy with your design, thicken your brush strokes and embellish to your heart’s delight! 
Photos by: KHJ
Joyeux Noel, or Merry Christmas as we like to say it. Such an easy way to spruce up a plain-jane mirror. And the best part… it comes off with soap and water. Hooray!
(I know I am being a tease with this photo of the finished mirror. I promise you will see it again very soon. Photos of my Winter Whimsy decor coming soon!)

Posted 12/21/10, Topic: DIY


There’s one store that never ceases to amaze me – Anthropologie. 
Not only do they have amazing clothes and tons of swoon worthy housewares, they think about the little things… right down to their receipts.
My sister ordered a dress and had the package sent to my house. I opened the package for her and this lovely white, twine-tied envelope fell out. What on earth could this be?
Photos by: KHJ
Oh, simply their packing receipt! Is that the cutest thing ever or what? It is the tiny details like this that make this store stand out to me. But then again, I am a sucker for details.
And just so you don’t feel left out on the package’s real treasure…

Photo via Anthropologie

Anthro’s Harbingers of Fall dress. Such a cute little doozie she’ll dress up with tights, heels and a fun cardigan.

Posted 12/20/10, Topic: Blog

oncewed-sq-badge-featured-vendor-20162nd Annual Pick With A Pro Retreat, www.campworkshops.com

Blue Eyed Yonder featured on Grey Likes Weddings

JuneBug Weddings

Utterly Engaged 2014

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