
The Donut Hole

So, remember I told you we had one of the best breakfasts ever while on vacation? You didn’t think I would just tease you and leave you hanging did you?
We over heard a lady talking at the pool one day about this great little restaurant called The Donut Hole. I mean with a name like that how can you go wrong? On our last morning there, we loaded up the car and decided to hit up this little joint on the way out of town, and boy am I glad we did!
I ordered a tall stack of pancakes topped with fresh bananas and powdered sugar…

Mr. Blue Eyed Yonder ordered the “everything” special, and when they say everything… they mean everything. Pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, ham and a biscuit. Whew!

Littlest sister ordered a cheesy omelet with hashbrowns and a biscuit. If you can’t tell by the pictures, the portions were huge! We could have shared easily. When we all got our plates we kind of looked at them like this…

“Umm, how in the world can they expect me to eat all of this?”

“Mmm, it’s a pretty yummy challenge either way!”
Needless to say, as good as it was, there was no way we could have finished it. There was just something missing though… how could we make a trip to the Donut Hole and not have a donut?
You see, they’re real clever like that. They make you pay your bill at the donut counter. How can you resist getting a dozen fresh-baked donuts for the road? 

We couldn’t.

We brought back a variety to yummy treats: original glazed, devils food with chocolate icing, coconut, raspberry-filled, glazed chocolate cake, glazed blueberry cake and even sour cream.
Happy hearts, happy bellies. That’s a sweet ending that just can’t be beat.
So you have make a pancake promise with me. If you are ever in the area you have to swing by the Donut Hole. It’s one sweet little restaurant you won’t soon forget.

Posted 4/26/11, Topic: Blog, Eats


Elvis, Elvis, let me be! Keep that pelvis far from me!
They didn’t call him “the king” for nothing, not only could he sing a mean tune, that boy enjoyed some pretty snazzy sandwiches. His classic – fried peanut butter, banana, & bacon sandwich. Whew!
This sandwich is not quite as over-the-top as the king’s and adds a little bit of local goodness – honey! The honey not only adds a sweet, rich element to the sandwich, it also helps fight allergies. (I think we could all use a little relief during pollen season. Ick.)

Smother your favorite bread in creamy peanut butter, add a layer of sliced bananas and drizzle-drizzle with honey.

Uh-huh-huh! (In my best Elvis voice.)

Slice that sucker in half and smack it up. Delish! Next time I might be brave and slap some crispy bacon on it. I actually think the salty taste may balance out the sandwich nicely.

Photos by {Blue Eyed Yonder}

If you make this or if you’ve had it before, let me know what you think. And I’d love to know your favorite Elvis song while we’re at it!

Posted 4/14/11, Topic: Eats


I can’t chomp down on a piece of crushed ice without thinking about my Dad. In fact, if you ask anyone in my family, they’d say the two go hand in hand.

For as long as I can remember, my Dad has been a huge crushed ice fanatic, dare I say connoisseur. He always knew what kind of ice each restaurant had; which ones had the “good ice” as we call it. For a while, he had a little arrangement with a local barbeque restaurant, he’d pay them to let him fill his cooler up with their ice and we’d have crushed ice at every family gathering. No one even bothers to go to the fridge for ice; the rumbling and churning of an ice machine is not a sound heard in Dad’s house. Nope, everyone knows to go out on the back porch, you see, that’s where the “good ice” is kept. Since then, my Dad has gotten a crushed ice machine of his own; a big beauty that pumps out the most beautiful, white crunchy ice. So there’s never any question, when we get together… Dad’s bringing the ice.

All this talk about ice reminds me of a funny story. When Mr. Blue Eyed Yonder and I got engaged, we had a little party in South Georgia to celebrate with friends and family. Of course, we wanted the “good ice”, so Dad packed up a huge cooler of it and drove it 4 hours south for the party.

At the end of the night, as things were winding down, I went out to the garage to get an ice refill. To my horror, I found the cooler empty! Yes, completely empty. Frantically I looked all around in the dark garage. Where in the world could it be? There’s no way we plowed through a 100-quart cooler of ice in a matter of hours. Then something caught my eye. In the driveway I saw something sparkle in the dark. Nooo! It can’t be!

Yes, the entire ice chest had been dumped out. In an effort to start cleaning up, my uncle decided the ice should be the first to go. Poor Uncle Guy, guess he had no idea how nuts my Dad’s side of the family is about our ice. I walked like a zombie back into the house. Everyone was laughing and carrying on when I blurted…

“Umm, someone dumped out all the ice.”

The room got deathly quiet, you would’ve thought they’d all just seen a ghost. “What’d you say?”

“Someone dumped out the ice.”

The room erupted into chaos. People jumped up out of their chairs and got all in a hubble to see what was going on. (You see, most parties end when the beer is gone, in our family, the party ends when the ice is out.)

Several of us went outside to the scene of the crime. “It’s all in a pile. The stuff on top still has to be clean, let’s save it!”

So, like a bunch of loons, we started shoveling the ice from the driveway back into the cooler. You might laugh, but we saved enough ice for the whole gang to get one more icy fix that night.

All I have to say to Dad is, “remember when Uncle Guy dumped out the ice?” and he gets on a roll, laughing and re-telling the story over. It’s one of those that never gets old. Good times.

Posted 4/13/11, Topic: Eats

Last Supper

This weekend, Mr. Blue Eyed Yonder and I are having hardwood floors installed throughout our downstairs. Fun huh? Well, it will be once it is over. Before we can install the flooring, lots of ceramic tile has to be busted, broken, crushed, smashed and eventually hauled out of here. (Got any frustrations you’d like to take out on me floor? Get in line.)
We’ve been busy packing up everything in our downstairs because it basically all has to come out in order to install the flooring. I’m packing up all of our food from our pantry to keep demo dust from covering everything. We’ll be losing the fridge, oven and overall use of our kitchen for about 4 days.
I decided to cook one ‘last supper’ before losing the kitchen: Oven Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary-Garlic Pesto. Sounds fancy, but I promise it’s a breeze.
We have been making great use of the herbs we’re growing this year. We have rosemary, cilantro and Italian parsley. Nothing beats stepping out onto your back patio to pluck a few fresh beauties. Overall it has been a less expensive, less wasteful way to enjoy fresh herbs.
I have a feeling I’ll be chilling outside with the herbs this weekend, a place free of hammering, chipping and dusty air. With any luck I can show you some ‘after’ pictures of our new floor before long. Wish us luck!

Photos by {Blue Eyed Yonder}

Posted 4/8/11, Topic: Eats

Season’s Harvest: English Peas

1. 2. 3.

For whatever reason, I have so many fond memories involving peas. I remember sitting in the living room at my Mema’s house shelling bushels of peas. I’d sit in the floor with my legs crossed with a pan of peas in my lap listening to Mema, Mema Tanner (my great-grandma) and my two great aunts, Jane and Elva, tell stories and talk about lots of different things. It was like being perched in the hen house, and I loved every minute of it.

When Mr. Blue Eyed Yonder and I were dating, we picked up a bushel of peas at the farmer’s market. He thought I was crazy for buying peas I had to shell when I could’ve as easily bought shelled peas for a couple of dimes more. He didn’t understand the history and memories it held for me. I love sitting around shelling peas. It reminds me of slower times; days when I was little and hadn’t a care in the world.

Come to find out, Mr. Blue Eyed Yonder had never shelled a pea in his life! (Did I mention Mr. BEY is a yankee? Shh, don’t say it too loud.) I had to teach this boy how to shell peas, my mercy!

We sat on my Dad’s front porch swing and talked and shelled, and talked and shelled some more. When the bucket of hulls was full, Mr. BEY would walk them to the edge of the woods and throw them out. Each time he would leave, I would dump a little bit of the peas from his pan into mine. Little by little my pan of peas grew. I would proudly show him my peas and he would say, “Man, how do you shell them that fast?” I could hardly contain myself, I was about to burst at the seams with laughter.

I let him think that I was queen of shelling peas for the better part of that day. I also let Dad in on my little secret and he nagged him as well about being a slow sheller, “If you shell ’em that slow we’ll all starve to death!”

He’s so competitive, so it was a pure hoot to watch him walk around puzzled all day! He just couldn’t understand how I shelled them so fast. Ha! We finally gave in and told Mr. BEY about my sneaky pea-stealin’. “I can’t believe you stole my peas!” Guess he found out us Southerners aren’t as slow as you might think. {wink}

Do you have any funny pea stories? I have more where this came from, tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.


Selecting + Storing English Peas

When shopping for fresh English peas, look for pods that are shiny, firm and very bright green. The pods should almost feel swollen and ready to burst. Keep in mind that a pound of peas only yields about 1 cup once they are shelled. You might want to consider buying a bushel of peas instead of a small grocer’s bag.

As with most fresh produce, the sooner it’s eaten the better. If you have to store the peas for a couple of days, refrigerate unwashed pods in a plastic bag that allows air circulation and store the bag in the coolest part of your refrigerator. Peas remain fresher if they’re shelled just before cooking.

Posted 4/4/11, Topic: Eats

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