
Earth Day Shoot on Style Me Pretty

This Sunday, April 22 is Earth Day, and what better way to kick off the Earth Day weekend than with an Earth Day inspired wedding shoot featured on Style Me Pretty!

I worked with a team of talented vendors to create this gorgeous, earthy wedding shoot. The shoot took place at Trees Atlanta Kendeda Center and we couldn’t have asked for a better venue. It’s an oasis quietly tucked away in Atlanta’s bustling eastside. It’s the perfect place for an intimate event.

Blue Eyed Yonder supplied all of the vintage furniture and accessories. From globes, chairs, tables, sugar molds and baking tins. It was so fun to see a dash of vintage incorporated into the modern, earthy vibe of the shoot.

Hats off to all the wonderful vendors that made this shoot a darling success! And a big hug to Robin of Robin Nathan Photography (this gal’s got mad tree-movin’ skills!), Jaimie and Maggie of Estoria Social (is there anything these gals can’t do?), Kurt of Southeast Succulents (hands down one of the coolest dudes around) and Max of Sun In My Belly (keep that delicious food comin’ ol’ chap!)

Click here to see the full spread on Style Me Pretty. Hope everyone has a Happy Earth Day! Go hug a tree or something. xoxo

Posted 4/20/12, Topic: Blog, Events

Hooray for Salvage!

Last weekend we loaded up lots of vintage goodies and headed down to Salvage, a curated vintage show put on by the lovely gals of Indie Craft Experience. It was so much fun working with all the people at the event and sharing the same love – VINTAGE!

Here’s a little peek at Blue Eyed Yonder’s booth. That insane chalkboard backdrop was created by the most talented man alive, Mr. BEY. Seriously, is there anything he can’t do? It was a huge hit and added that healthy dose of charm to our space.

We met so many people and made so many friends. One lady was super sweet, the first thing she said to me was, “Girl, I just gotta hug your neck!” (Ha! Gotta love that.) She said she had been looking at our site and reading our story about working together as husband and wife and was just so happy for us and excited about this new adventure. Her sweet words made my heart grow two sizes!

All of the vendors there did a great job creating the dreamiest of spaces. From gorgeous furniture to colorful vintage gowns, I left there with an overflow of inspiration! And you know I couldn’t leave empty handed. I purchased the coolest illustration from artist Sarah Watts of Wattsalot. That girl has talent dripping from her fingertips.

Now that you’ve had a little recap of the event and a peek at some vendor’s spaces, hold onto your seats and brace yourself for some COLOR… photos of the Salvage lounge coming soon!

Posted 4/17/12, Topic: Blog, Events


I’ve been super busy getting ready for Salvage this weekend. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this event put on by the girls of Indie Craft Experience (ICE). Anything those girls put their minds to turns to gold, so pair them with an event all about vintage – Guaranteed Awesomeness!

Blue Eyed Yonder is partnering with Pabst Blue Ribbon to bring you the Salvage Lounge. Just a cool, little place to rest your feet and grab a brew. We’ll be debuting some of our new mid-century pieces, and let me tell you, these pieces have an attitude all their own. If you get there early, you might even see Don Draper waking up on one of the sofas.

Don’t leave without stopping by Blue Eyed Yonder’s booth at the show. While we’re not selling anything, we do have a super-dee-duper giveaway! Hold onto your seats for this one…

We’re partnering with LeahAndMark for a styled photo shoot GIVEAWAY!

I know what you’re thinking… Get out! No way! Heavens to Betsy! Drop your name in and we’ll draw a winner at the end of the event. If you win, you’ll work with Blue Eyed Yonder to pick out some snazzy vintage pieces for a photo shoot by LeahAndMark at the Goat Farm in Atlanta. Get some cool pictures of yourself, your kids, your dog, your choice! You don’t wanna miss this, kiddos!

Also, tweet “I’m going to #Salvage for a chance to win a styled shoot with @LeahAndMark and @BlueEyedYonder” and we’ll give you FIVE additional entries at the event, ’cause we’re nice like that.

Hope to see you there!

Posted 4/13/12, Topic: Blog, Events

The Not Wedding


You may be asking yourself, what’s a Not Wedding? Well, The Not Wedding is a fake wedding to inspire real brides. There’s a ceremony, a reception and lots of fun dancing. Such a neat idea, huh? Tons of Atlanta’s best vendors cram their talents into one event. From decor, to florals, to attire and food, you name it, The Not Wedding has it.

I’m so glad a snapped a few pics with my iphone, after getting a little (uh-hem, alot) choked up during dinner, the rest of the night was a blur to me. It all happened as I was enjoying the delicious food from Sun In My Belly, just as I took a bite of chicken, a new friend hit the punch line of her joke and I completely sucked the chicken down my windpipe. Not a pretty site I can assure you. At first you try to wave it off with an I’m-ok-just-let-me-cough-a-little smile. Then you realize, “dadgum, this thing is really stuck!” Once I realized I actually could not breathe, I knew I had to do something – fast! The looks on everyone’s face was of complete horror. My face was turning red and it was getting real serious. All I keep thinking was, “Good grief woman, you can’t die in the middle of these people’s fake wedding!” I got up and tried to make it to the restroom, the sweet girls at the table followed me. I was fully prepared for one of them to grab me and start giving me the heimlich at any second, but I just HAD to make it to the bathroom before creating that kind of scene. You should have heard how horrible my gasps for air were, so creepy.

I finally got to the restroom and coughed and coughed until I finally cleared my wind pipe. It has never felt so good to finally be able to take a breath of air. At this point I realized I was a sweaty, hot mess and had wiped my red lipstick (oh yeah, I couldn’t have just opted for gloss today) all over  my face. I cleaned myself up and headed back out to the party, I think I scared everyone to death. I mean you practice what to do in these type of situations, but when they actually happen it’s all kind of surreal. I’ll never forget the moment between thinking I was ok and realizing I had to ask for help. Whew! So freaky and embarrassing at the same time.

So needless to say, after my near-death experience I pretty much focused on breathing the rest of the night. But choking aside, it was such a lovely event with so many pretty details. Glad I survived to share these pretty photos with you (wink)!

Happy weekend!

Posted 3/9/12, Topic: Blog, Events

Sparkly 13th Outdoor Movie Party

I have to say, littlest sister’s 13th birthday party was one of the funnest parties I have ever been a part of. Girly invitations, vintage charm, sparkly giant balloons, shimmery tassels, ombre caramel apples, cozy quilts, mounds of confetti, s’mores and a 13-layer cake… I think I’ll just hit “replay” when it comes time for my birthday. 
The girls played charades, ate to their heart’s delight and then snuggled up for a movie under the stars – such a perfect way to celebrate 13.
Photos by Mr. & Mrs. Blue Eyed Yonder
Keep your eyes out for some fun DIY tutorials coming your way: tassel garland, ombre apple sticks, balloon streamers and more!

Posted 10/20/11, Topic: Events

oncewed-sq-badge-featured-vendor-20162nd Annual Pick With A Pro Retreat, www.campworkshops.com

Blue Eyed Yonder featured on Grey Likes Weddings

JuneBug Weddings

Utterly Engaged 2014

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