Guest Post: Our Old Southern House

Homemade laundry detergent. Yep, that’s how I first got hooked on Natalie’s blog, Our Old Southern House. From award winning jams and jellies at the county fair, to the complete renovation and restoration of a 135-year old house, Natalie is one of those women that make you ask, “how does she do all of that?” She’s a magnificent wife, mother and lover of all things old-fashioned. She’s recently put her talents to work making towels, coasters and pot holders to raise money for her family’s upcoming adoption. Hop on over to her blog, read her story and share some bloggin’ love!


My name is Natalie and I run a little blog called Our Old Southern House. And if there is one thing you need to know about me, it is this: I am an antiques junkie.

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It’s an addiction I’ve had for the last 18 years.

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What that that meant is that my grandmother’s basement was so crammed full of stored antiques that it looked like a furniture store before we finally moved into our 135-year old house a few years ago. Thankfully our new old place has five bedrooms and lots of extra space. Living room? Check. Parlor? Check. Sleeping Porch? Check. Extra kitchen upstairs? Check. Which translates into us having a lot of antiques.

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I digress.

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What I’m getting to is this: we are always on the hunt for a great antiques market. Growing up we went to Lakewood {if you’re local you might remember it} every month for years. And then they closed it so they could do movies there. So, we settled on Scotts, but since I’m a cheap skate, we only do its outside market {though we do sneak in for the Greek food…yum!}. Five years ago though my life was changed when we discovered the Metrolina in Charlotte, NC. It’s a monthly antiques market that holds a Spectacular every April and October. It’s the highlight of my spring.

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This year my husband, mother, dad, and myself all piled into the truck to make the drive north {you know I must love antiques when I willingly sit in a teeny-tiny backseat for over six hours in one day!}. We went armed with $200 and and a desire to find the perfect chifferobe for the new nursery {we’re paper pregnant right now–meaning we’re adopting}.
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Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans, right?
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Yep, no chifferobe. But the other treasures? Fabulous.

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Six perfect pearl duck buttons for the new baby.

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A 1950s ironing board for my favorite two year old.

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A printers drawer to act as a shelf in the nursery.

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An alabaster lamp for there too {I LOVE alabaster lamps and have a huge collection of them. This one was only $20.}

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A 1960s hard hat for a certain man in my life who wears hard hats on a daily basis. I guess this makes him a hard hat connoisseur?

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A 60+ year old dress for my vintage frock-loving girl.

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And the piece de resistance–this beautiful, though worn, Victorian leather settee.

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It needs work I know–I mean, who wants to sit on horse hair? But after some TLC from our favorite re-upholsterer and some new funky fabric for the seat {I’m leaving the back and all that great leather}, I think it’s going to be perfect for our parlor. I can just picture taking it out the backyard and having our family portrait made with it next year.

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And all for less than $200. Not bad at all.

That’s the beauty of an antique market: there is something for everyone and their budget as long as you’re willing to hunt for it.

BEY, thanks so much for letting me stop by and chat. I had a blast.

Posted 4/21/11, Topic: Blog

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2011 at 9:50 am |

    You have an appreciation for the past and all its beauty. Too very often we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of today's world, that we forget about the beauty of the past.

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