
Archive for March, 2011

Oh My Mercy

Video by the very talented Lisa Blonder Ohlenkamp and Sean Ohlenkamp

With warmer weather right around the corner and spring cleaning on the brain, I couldn’t resist posting this amazing “Organizing the Bookcase” video. I found this video on the lovely blog, What Katie Ate. As she mentions, it has nothing to do with food, but I am so glad she posted it.

If anything, this video is a lesson in patience. Can you imagine moving each one of those books one by one. Hats off to Lisa and Sean!

I’m such a sucker for books, so naturally this video made my heart pitter patter. I hope it inspires you to create, organize or just make your jaw drop a little.

Posted 3/4/11, Topic: Blog


I am pretty sure I could wander for hours in a garden center. I especially like to visit when the first of the spring flowers arrive. The weather is just starting to warm up, people are eager to get out and work in their yards, and there’s just a happy buzz in the air.

During my first garden center visit of the year, I was lucky enough to score these little lovelies…

Gorgeous, lush ranunculus. One of my all-time favorite flowers and the first time I had ever seen them for sale at Home Depot. There was no thought needed – into the cart they went.

There’s nothing like big, gorgeous blooms to brighten a gloomy patio. Now I just have to work to make sure they stay this beautiful all season long. You’d think I’d have done a little research before rushing home with new flowers, but like I said, I just had to have them. Turns out, they need lots and lots of sun. Hmph, this  could be a problem. I might have to relocate them to our front yard. Our back patio is not “sunny” to say the least.
So if you get the urge to go on a ranunculus rampage like I did, you might enjoy these handy-dandy tips.

Tips for growing and enjoying Ranunculus

  1. They love the sun. They can handle a little shade in the morning, but need full sunlight for the better part of the day.
  2. They need water, but do not like to be saturated. Keep soil moist and avoid over watering.
  3. They’re annuals, but if you really want to test out your green thumb, their creepy octopus tubers can be harvested and planted next year.
  4. Feel free to cut your ranunculus blooms for bouquets. The more you cut, the more the ranunculus will bloom. Snip away!
  5. They have a long vase life. Blooms often look great for a week or more.

Photos by {Blue Eyed Yonder}
With Spring just around the corner, I’d love to know what you have planned for your garden/yard this year. 

Posted 3/2/11, Topic: Blog

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